We are a fellowship of believers who gather together at Bensham Gospel Hall in Gateshead, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We are Christians committed to a traditional reading of the Gospel contained in the Holy Bible because we believe that the Bible is the inspired and unchanging Word of God. The Bible is the sole authority guiding our meetings, our faith and the way we live as Christians generally.

As a Gospel Hall, we are independent of any church organisations.

You are most welcome to come along to any of our meetings.

Our Latest Sermons:

Galatians 4 (part 1): concerning the restoration of our relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ; and specifically the implications of our being heirs and adopted sons of God.

Galatians 3 (part 2): continuing to explore the book of Galatians, chapter 3 where Paul argues that the Moses Law is not to be regarded as greater than (or overriding) the earlier Promise (covenant) made by God directly to Abraham - that all nations will be blessed through him – and thus that we are saved by grace (by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ) alone. The purpose of the Mosaic Law is to condemn us as sinners by revealing carnal humanity’s inability to keep the Law and that therefore we need a saviour.

Galatians 3: which begins “O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified?” After having been taught the principle of ‘faith alone’ and accordingly received the Holy Spirit, the Galatians had reverted to the captivity and curse-inducing of the Law of Moses. The author urges them to turn back by referencing their own experience and their the authority of scripture.

Habakkuk 3. Brother John discusses the book of Habakkuk, chapter 3. Habakkuk, frustrated by all the sinfulness that was going on in the world around him, asked God why He was not punishing the Israelites. But then Habakkuk switches his attention from the troubles of the times and towards remembering who God is: spending time in communion with God, ie he starts praying. We too, today, when confronted by troubles and concerns need to remember that God is always at work and in control; and to praise God.