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We are a fellowship of believers who gather together at Bensham Gospel Hall in Gateshead, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We are Christians committed to a traditional reading of the Gospel contained in the Holy Bible because we believe that the Bible is the inspired and unchanging Word of God. The Bible is the sole authority guiding our meetings, our faith and the way we live as Christians generally.

As a Gospel Hall, we are independent of any church organisations.

You are most welcome to come along to any of our meetings.

OUR LATEST SERMON: [Brother Sydney 19th December] From the moment a person accepts Jesus as their savour and repents of their sinfulness, they become sanctified: set apart for God; called by Him to be one of the saints; to become ‘in Christ’. This ‘Positional Sanctification’ is absolute and means that all believers are immediately and permanently fit for heaven. However, sanctification also refers to a life-long process of growing in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ – growing in His likeness. This is ‘Progressive (or Practical) Sanctification and is the topic of brother Sydney’s sermon.