Our Sunday afternoon meetings

Each Sunday (the Lord’s Day), our ‘Gospel Always’ meeting takes place. This is a time for us to delve into the Holy Bible and learn about the Gospel in a friendly-but-earnest way.

The meetings start at 4pm and last for about one hour.

In attendance will be:

  • the members,

  • other people at various stages of the Christian journey,

  • people who are there just to see what it is all about,

  • and, occasionally, visitors from other Gospel Halls.

In this sense, each meeting has an helpful mix of those looking to understand the Bible better and those who will delight in trying to help them. You will also find a very wide range of ages: from the elderly through to young couples and their children.

For those people who may be walking into a Gospel Hall (or, even, any sort of church) for the first time, they will find themselves greeted by a lot of smiling faces. And one of the members will come up to you and guide you through the meeting. The loving-kindliness of the members is genuine and palpable.

As the meeting gets going, we will sing a number of hymns (something we love to do) with the words projected onto a large screen at the front of the hall. But if anyone does not feel comfortable singing, then that is perfectly fine; they can just listen. There will also be some prayers said out loud by various members.

The ‘atmosphere’ is somewhat ‘lighter’ than in our morning ‘Breaking Bread’ meetings. But that is not to say that we take the Gospel lightly. Each week you will hear a different speaker preach directly from the Bible and explain carefully what the gospel is all about. We believe that, in this day, there is so much confusion about the real content of the biblical gospel. So we preach ‘Christ First’ and ‘Scripture Alone’, meaning that we base everything we say on the Bible alone. We never ask for audience participation: this is a time for listening and taking it all in.

And - in case you were worrying - we never take a collection from those who attend. Each meeting is simply a presentation of the truth of the bible.

And finally, at the end of each meeting, there is an informal time to enjoy some refreshments together and to ask any questions that you may have.

Nothing is more important than your eternal salvation. This life passes quickly and can end suddenly. Through the Lord Jesus Christ and his sacrificial death on the cross and resurrection all who truly repent of their sins and fully trust in Christ for salvation are assured of eternal life and the indwelling Spirit of God to give power to live a new life for the glory of God.