Lord’s Day morning meetings
SUNDAY at 11am
This is the ‘Breaking of Bread’ meeting. Perhaps you will find it a little different from any other Christian service that you have attended so maybe a word of explanation will help you to understand what happens.
We Christians who regularly meet here humbly try to put into practice only what we find in the Bible and regulate all that we do according to the pattern set out in the New Testament.
The first difference that you will notice is that the meeting is not led by any one person but is open for worship. As Christians, we believe that the Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit himself is the leader of the worship and, as such, we wait for him to direct and control all that happens. As a result, the hymns and prayers are not prearranged but are prompted by the Holy Spirit
Second, you will notice that, in accordance with the Word of God, only the men take any audible part in the meeting (except for the singing of hymns). Also, all the Christian ladies cover their heads in the meeting as a sign of the Headship of the Lord Jesus.
The meeting usually lasts about an hour. Near the end, a man will pray and give thanks for the bread and for the cup. Then, those people who are known to be born-again believers - baptised by immersion and are personally known to the local assembly as being of good Christian character – will take the bread and drink the wine.
Visitors should not feel awkward as the bread and wine pass by. This is the normal procedure in our meetings.
Then, one of the members will give a sermon on a passage from the Holy Bible after which time is made for light refreshments and conversation.
The Christians who meet here hope that you will feel welcome at our meetings and that you too will come to know the Lord Jesus as your personal saviour.